No Mercy: Greedy Alpha Don't Deserve to Live!

“Wish dad will come to celebrate with us, just like before.”

It was nothing but a simple wish of my son on his sixth birhtday. It was heart wrenching when I remembered how my mate, and the most looked up alpha in Night Howl Pack, never even bothered to care for me nor his own son.

I had to get, all the way to some of his meeting schedule just to ask for him to come to Balto’s upcoming seventh birthday. No, it wasn’t asking, it was more of a begging. Only after that, Balthar reluctantly agreed to come.

Balthar, however, didn’t appear the night of Balto’s supposed to be merry seventh birthday. Worse, Balto had his last breath away in the same night his father abandoned him yet again.

As Balthar was out of reach for contacts, I managed all the funeral matters on my own. Every time cursing my failure to protect the one mattered the most in my life.

My mind burst into deep seething anger when I know that Balthar was out with Nayra to have some ancient glowing fruits wonders in a neighboring pack’s territory.

They were having the time of their lives while my son lost his life!

I immediately returned to the pack house. I’m leaving this madness, loveless, marriage I had with Balthar. To hell with mating bonds arranged by fates!

Ironically, Balthar begged for my forgiveness,but it was way too late.

I scowled at him, "Forgive you? No way!”

Chapter 1

Nayra was my sister, the center of everyone’s attention, including my own mate Balthar.

From the very beginning of their meeting, Balthar had set his eyes on Nayra. So, by the time the three of us reached the age of binding, things went chaotic for us three, and our families of course. While fate had tied me to be Balthar’s mate, he refused to acknowledge the bond and continued placing his heart for Nayra.

The pack said that the strongest bond after the pack was the bond of mates.

The way I see it, though, the emotional ties of first love was far stronger over mate bond. Just like how Balthar was so devoted to Nayra.

And that was so true with his absence around us. Even today, on the day I finally burried Balto, Balthar was nowhere to be found—Not at the funeral that I had to arrange solo, not at the pack house, not anywhere near—nada.

I secretly thanked the Moon Goddess for Night Howl Pack had their own policy about the living arrangement in the pack house. Instead of the usual communal living where the pack alpha’s closests confidant would live together with his family, we lived pretty much on our own.

If that wasn’t the case, I bet our family would already be the talk of the pack for the Alpha was seldom presence at his own home. Only Balto and I would be in the pack house on his behalf.

I returned to this place with one thing in mind: to pack out, as fast as I could then leave.

How wrong I was to assume I could just do that.

The moment I opened the door to our living area, the memory of Balto’s excitement when he eagerly gave his mini presentation on dinosaur footprints, with that sketchbook of his caused me to falter.

Tears brimming in my eyes. My heart faltered but I remembered I had to press on because as much as this place held my sweetest memory with my son, this place was also the source of my pain.

A reminder of Balthar’s neglect, and his blatant affair with Nayra.

I collected each one of Balto’s portrait, wiping the tears that fell on my cheeks every now and then. I found myself slightly stopping when I had to collect his scetch books.

I know moving with more luggage also entailed more expenses that I had to paid. But these sketchbook... they worth millions since I could not find something as valuable as this anywhere else.

Every reminder of my son were either packed up and some of it I needed to let go. I chocked up another sobs as I was reminded that the current absence of my son was permanent. He went to a better place, in the celestial meadow of the Moon Goddess. A place I couldn’t reach.

I went downstairs with my second suitcase and was soon greeted by the two people I didn’t want to see the most.

“You’re going somewhere, El?”

My glance snapped at the guest hall’s entrance arc. There, Nayra was looking at me with that sad look which I could only believe was nothing but pretense. Beside her, Balthar stood tall, guiding her in in his arms. Compared to Nayra, he didn’t even seem to care with my presence.

Just like usual.

I had grown accustomed to this.

Even before our marriage, Balthar would’ve ignored me whenever Nayra was around. It had happened since the younger days of our lives, during the alliance meeting between Night Howl, Balthar’s current pack and Galeclouds, Nayra’s and my birth pack. So, when the time comes

I tightened the grip on my suitcase. With the first suitcase was already by the entrance arc, I proceed to walk myself out of this place.

“Elmyra, when are you going to stop acting like this again?”

My steps went on an abrupt stop.

When I turned around and glared at him, the person I wished was dead was not my son, but him!

Balthar looked at the suitcase in my possession, before shaking his head like he was the most disappointed person in the world then looked back into my eyes.

He was the one absent from my life, from Balto’s life. How dare he threw me that acusing look?

Nayra, while already leaning onto Balthar’s broad shoulder, was pulling his arm to get imposibly closer. "Elmyra, I was feeling dizzy moments ago. Alpha Balthar simply took me to the pack house so that I could rest. Please, don’t misunderstand."

Misunderstand? Yeah. It wouldn’t be a misunderstanding when it was clear that the two of you had smashed into one another and were practically glued together.

Bitterness jumped up to my heart. They disgusted me and I wanted to call out names at the two of them.

I remember the night I became a married couple with Balsa vividly. I thought it was just a process that a werewolf had to go through, so I went out to work the next day.

A mysterious wolf was robbing me on my way home from office. With the weakened state that I had, I was injured in the process. I was lucky few witness were there and they eventually called the ambulance for me.

Balthar never cared. Instead, he replied with coldness that broke my heart over our mind link back then, “You’re still alive, right? Injuries can heal. Don’t bother me with simple things like this."

He closed off the mindlink, just like that.

That day, I was wrecking my brains out. I was his fated mate, his Luna. Why did he treat me that way?

I was kidding myself, thinking that Balthar would one day loved me back because he was my fated mate.

But now,I was done with the lies I made for myself.

"I’m doing us a favor, Alpha. You wanted me to be gone from your life, right? Now I want the same. I’m leaving," I said before proceeding to leave.

Balthar never said it, not to my face, at the very least. Yet, anyone with good eyes and sound mind would’ve been able to see that he never wanted our mate bonds, let alone our marriage.

Only now, I had the courage to admit that whatever we had was the dictation of our customs. He had tried his utmost for our mate bond to eventually break.

That was the reason why he never acknowledged me nor my wolf. It was also the reason my body growing weaker the longer I stayed in this cruel marriage. The pack healers and doctors alike and mentioned that my connection with my wolf had deteriorated to a worrying state.

It made me wonder if my family heirloom, the Lunar Crystalis could even healed my condition.

As I reached outside, to the open area I waved at the horse carriage that were often stationed nearby the gate of the pack house, signalling that I wanted a ride.

Suddenly, A hand caught me by the shoulder and spun me around.

Chapter 2

“Are you trying to get my attention now?” He asked, disdain lingered in his vocie. “Think you no longer can use your son for an excuse, so now you’re making bold moves yourself?”

His words were a blow to my heart.

Balto had fallen ill around spring last year. It started with symptoms of him vomiting his food, losing his appetite, and eventually the veins on his body went visible on his paling skin and it turned darker blue and slowly into the sade of blue-violet by the day.

Initially, I tried to contact Balthar. Desperately linking our minds asking him to at least come and see Balto’s condition for himself. Instead, he was adamant on thinking that I was using Balto to gain his sympathy.

Knowing that I couldn’t rely on him, I used the pack’s connection as far as my title as the Luna could reach. I called all the best healers in and around Night Howl Pack to figure out my son’s condition. I went back and forth to find the modern doctors too but I got no answer.

None understood what had happened and how to treat his condition.

That illness was one that finally claimed Balto’s life.

“Believe whatever you wanted to believe, Balthar,” I called his name, ditching his title and that seemed to had caught him off guard.

By then, I saw saw Nayra finally catching up to us from the pack house, I slapped his hand away off my shoulder.

But, before I could anticipate his next move, Balthar continued his false accusations.

“Your new tactic works, Elmyra. Congrats Now drop the attitude and get inside,” he said, grabbing one of my suitcase and was about to take it inside.

“No!” I yanked the suitcase as hard as I could. A wolfish snarl escaped my throat and Balthar let go of my suitcase.

I backed away with my breath raging, my eyes locked into Balthar’s widened one.

Suddenly, Nayra came between us and pulled Balthar into her side. “Elmyra, is this because Balthar couldn’t come to Balto’s birthday, is it? I get that you are upset, but is it worth for you to go this far?”

A scoff escaped my lips.

Nayra turned to Balthar. “Alpha, I knew you should’ve cancelled our trip for the glowing apple festival….”

"There’s no need for that. There’s still birthday celebration next year. But the ancient apple tree in Dawnwynd Pack only glow every 75 years. We had to wait if we missed the one yesterday."

That smug smile on her lips made me want to punish her!

Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to do so. Maybe because deep down, Nayra was still my younger sister. Before I did things I regret, I decided to ignore her and walked closer to the road.

“Elmyra!” Balthar called.

I ignored him and continued my steps. He caught up to me and blocked my path. “Stop acting like this! I can clear my schedule next month and hold a party for his birthday. You don’t need to get this upset!”

Tears fell down my cheeks and that seemed to startle Balthar for a bit. Balto was gone already and he talked about next month for him?!

"Get out of my way!" I went past him.

As I walk, I heard Nayra’s footsteps catching up before apologetically talked to Balthar, "This is my fault, Alpha. I should’ve insisted you to go home despite knowing Balto was just acting sick. I should’ve let go of my ego and let the child to have his moment with you."

I stopped in my track.

That witch… Balto was coughing his lungs out, and she said he was just acting sick?

I let go of my suitcase, turned and hurled up to slap away that smugness glint on her face.


Balthar instantly turned into rage. He grabbed me by the hand and pushed me away, causing me to fall on my butt.

As he shielded Nayra behind his back, he raised his tone. “What the hell are you doing Elmyra?!”

Chapter 3

I could feel my heart was beating faster. My gaze fixed on my trembling palm. when I looked up to look at Nayra's slightly tearful eyes, I felt a sense of relief.

She deserved this!

Standing up, cleaning any dirt on my clothes, I looked up both at Nayra and Balthar. Needless to say he was furious, I could smell the warning scent coming out of him.

I used to be cautious around him, but now. What do I have to fear? Balto… everything had been taken away from me

"You’re uncontrollable, Elmyra! Don’t you realize you’re hurting your sister?" Balthar shouted.

I let his words fell on deaf ears. My own rage still building up inside of me and I couldn’t tear away my glare at Nayra.

"You watch your words, Nayra,” I warned Nayra. “You had no freaking rights to slander my son like that!"

Nayra held Balthar closer to her, I could sense fear coming out of her voice. "A-alpha Balthar, let’s just drop this matter. If my sister couldn’t admit his son is faking his illness, then let it be. Don’t fight because of me."

“Balto was really ill!” I screamed at the top of my lungs then shifted my gaze to Balthar.

Holding back my tears from overflowing, I asked him with restrained voice. "Balthar, do you really, really, think that Balto wasn’t sick? Didn’t you see how pale he had became in the past few months?"

Balthar’s silence was enough for an answer.

My heart was sadness once more knowing that he had doubts of Balto’s honesty. My son had a genuine soul. He still had the typical child behavior of wanting attention, but he’d never fake his own illness for that.

Balto was suffering, for more than a year. If only I got a part of Balthar’s influence as an alpha, I would’ve brought Balto abroad if needed. We I exhausted most sources around Night Howl Pack but not yet contacting healers from abroad.

If it weren’t from Balthar’s restriction, I was certain we could’ve created a better treatment for Balto’s condition.

If Balthar had bothered to truly sit down, and truly see what had happened to Balto.

Yet, in reality, he did none of those. He didn’t care.

“Right, of course you didn’t notice. You’re too busy with your ‘tight schedule’ to care.” I said between sobbed as I wiped the tears off my face.

I recalled how Balto had insisted that I just stay by his side. He didn’t want to see any more healers or doctors. His voice, frail and trembling, echoed in my mind as he confessed that he might not have much time left. But he also said he was happiest when I was with him, far more than when anyone else was trying to treat him.

At the time, I refused to accept it. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. But deep down, I knew—his condition wasn’t improving. The remedies I could find were limited, and hope was slipping away faster than I could grasp.

That’s when I made a decision. I left Balto, promising him I wouldn’t be gone long.

I traveled far, seeking out Balthar, who had ignored my mind link more than once. I went straight to his office, fell to my knees, and begged. I swore that if he granted me permission to reach out to doctors abroad, it would be the last favor I’d ever ask of him.

I still remember the twinkling look in his eyes. It was as if he had been waiting for me to say those words for far too long. His reaction stung, but I pushed the feeling aside—my focus was entirely on saving Balto.

Unfortunately, I was too late. The best healers from abroad could only come the fastest by next week and Balto had died before any of them could treat him.

As my mind returned to reality, I saw Balthar glanced around, a hint of suspicion in his gaze.

“Where is that boy? I don’t sense him anywhere,” he asked, his voice sharp. And then the accusation, “Are you hiding him from me?”

I was stunned, disappointment washing over me.

Why now? Why only after Balto’s death did Balthar care enough to ask?

Chapter 4

From the very beginning, I was drawn to Balthar, even before my wolf awakened and the whole bond became a part of my life.

What started as innocent puppy love grew into something deeper. I found myself constantly pursuing his attention, doing everything I could to make him notice me, hoping that one day he’d look at me the way I looked at him.

But perhaps I tried too hard. Somewhere along the way, he began to resent me for it.

After his coming-of-age ceremony, when he learned that I was his true mate—not Nayra—he only grew colder. Everything I had done to get closer to him, all the gifts, surprises, and efforts to win his heart, he turned around and did for her.

Even though I knew my love was hopelessly one sided, I still stayed by his side. I came to ask myself why I didn’t walk away. Wouldn’t it have been easier to let Balthar go and let Nayra have him?

Was it because of what my parents had said?

They warned me that rejecting a mate bond was a rebellion against the Moon Goddess herself, and it would brought a huge shame on our family. My father always said that no matter how hard we fought it, we werewolves would eventually return to our fated mates. The bond was inevitable.

And so, I continued to love Balthar, even as our families arranged our marriage. That led him to temporarily stop pursuing Nayra, though it didn’t change his feelings. Regardless the chaos of that time, my sister chose to leave, moving to another pack to study. It was there that she found her fated mate.

Balthar’s resentment toward me only deepened after that. He made every effort to avoid any involvement in our mating ceremony, openly declaring in front of both families that a forced marriage didn’t deserve any celebration.

In the end, neither of us could fight the power our families held over us, and the marriage went through.

Years later, Nayra unexpectedly returned from the neighboring pack. Along with her completed studies, she brought news that her fated mate had died in a tragic accident.

Despite finding her whole situation rather odd, I didn’t dwell on it much since my parents didn't really fuss about it too. What I knew was that Nayra would linger around Balthar, and my fated mate would devote his attention for my sister.

Then it struck me.

I understood why Balthar resented me, but why did he treat Balto with such coldness? What had my son done to deserve being treated as if he didn’t even exist?

"Alpha Balthar, I feel nauseous again," my sister suddenly said, leaning into him for support.

My eyes narrowed as I watched them.

All I could feel was disgust.

Nayra seized the moment and escalated it even further. With her eyes glistening with unshed tears, she pressed closer to him, prompting Balthar to cradle her in his protective embrace.

"My cheek hurt too. Can you check if it’s swollen?" she asked, her voice fragile and pleading.

The scene felt painfully familiar, like a déjà vu.

I'd seen Nayra pull this act many times when we were younger—be it with our parents, the council elders, or our teachers. Always playing the victim, always seeking attention.

She’d always harbored a silent grudge against me. I couldn't pinpoint when it began, but after the Lunaria comet shower, the day sacred to our Dawnwynd Pack, her animosity grew bolder.

That day marked a tradition—the passing of the Lunar Crystalis from the previous holder to someone they deemed worthy. And I was chosen.

The stone was said to strengthen the bond between a wolf and its spirit, granting the wielder an unbreakable connection. But despite possessing it, I had never summoned its power. I had been too afraid.

Now, with Balto gone, I had nothing left to cling to. Even though I knew my bond with my wolf was weak, I lost the will to even try to repair it.

"Apologize to your sister, Elmyra," Balthar demanded, his glare cold and piercing.

I lifted my chin defiantly, meeting his gaze. "I don’t see why I should."

Chapter 5

I could tell by the silence and the flicker of shock in Balthar’s eyes that he hadn’t expected my defiance.

If it were me a few weeks ago, I wouldn’t have dared to disobey him. Back then, I was always careful, doing everything I could to stay on his good side, terrified of losing what little trust he had left in me. More than anything, I feared that my mistakes would put Balto at an even greater disadvantage.

But now, something had shifted within me.

Balthar quickly regained his usual calm, the stoic mask he’d perfected as alpha of the Night Howl pack slipping back into place.

“You wouldn’t want to see me angrier than I already am,” he said, though his voice had softened, his previous fury noticeably fading.

I felt a surge of skepticism at his words.

Why should I care? No matter how much I devoted myself to him, he had never truly acknowledged it. Especially when Nayra was still by his side.

Then, a faint ringing echoed in my mind, the familiar whistle signaling the pack alpha’s call through the mind link. Moments later, Balthar’s wolf guards emerged from various directions, standing ready to block my path.

The alpha crossed his arms. To anyone else, it would look like confidence, but I knew him too well—he was hiding his anxiety. He tried to maintain his cold, detached expression as he addressed me.

"I’ll give you another chance. Apologize to Nayra!"

Nayra’s eyes lit up immediately. Her feigned frailty disappeared, replaced by a smug, victorious smile. She tugged gently on Balthar’s sleeve, her voice soft but dripping with false sweetness.

"You didn’t have to call your warriors, Alpha. I’m sure Elmyra didn’t mean to slap me."

Balthar chuckled darkly. "You’re too kind, even after what she’s done. She said it herself—she doesn’t care that you’re sisters."

His gaze hardened as he turned to me, his voice cold and final. "Anyone who hurts you will pay the price."

The wolf guards forced me to my knees, pushing my head down. When I looked up, I caught the satisfied smirk playing on Balthar’s lips.

Just then, Nayra stepped forward. "Alpha, stop!"

Balthar hesitated, then signaled the guards to release me.

"Your soldiers are awesome." Nayra said, casting a glance at me. "I’m afraid my sister won’t survive their strength. She’s still my sister, after all. If anyone should teach her a lesson, let it be me."

I gritted my teeth, my body tense with rage. Her intervention wasn’t kindness—it was a calculated move and I knew it all too well.

Balthar gave a curt nod of approval, and before I could brace myself, Nayra slapped me across the face. Not once, but twice.

The sting burns both of my cheeks.

A gasp escaped Nayra’s lips soon after, her tone masked in horror. “Oh no…” Her voice trembled with regret, but her expression betrayed her. If Balthar were in my place, he’d see the triumphant gleam hidden beneath her feigned remorse.

She turned to him, her voice quivering. “Alpha, I... I’ve hurt my own sister. Am I doing the right thing?”

Balthar chuckled, a cold, short sound as he stepped forward, “I've told you, Nayra. You’re too kind. She slapped you first, and this is what she deserved,” he said, his tone dismissive.

The guards finally released me, and I crumpled to the floor. Balthar’s gaze was locked on me, unyielding, as though I were something beneath him. “You still owe Nayra an apology.”

Like hell I did! Nayra was the one who started this.

She was the one who slandered Balto, accusing him of faking his illness. How could this Alpha be so blind to the truth?

I glared up at him, my voice laced with venom. “She owes ME an apology!” I shouted, a snarl tearing from my throat.

I could feel my wolf stirring inside, weak but simmering with rage, threatening to overtake me. My gaze bore into Balthar, burning with loathing. “Curse you, Balthar. I pray you rot in the deepest part of the abyss.”

His brow furrowed, and for the first time, I saw a flicker of unease cross his face, unsettled by the fury behind my words.

Chapter 6

“How dare you speak to the alpha that way?” one of the guards bellowed at me.

He was about to strike but Balthar intevened. “Hold it!”

"Elmyra," he said, his voice attempting a note of reason, "you really need to work on your emotions. I’ll ignore what you had just said and let your disrespect pass this time. Just apologize to Nayra and I’ll give you whatever you want. You want me to celebrate your son’s birthday? Fine, we can make a schedule for one day for that."

The fact that my son had already dead doubled the anger that already settled in my heart.

I had enough of him!

"That’s kind of too late, don’t you think?” I replied. “You need not to do anything. We’re done, Balthar. I’m leaving, just as you’ve always wanted. Enjoy your new life with Nayra." I turned to grab my my belongings and walked towards the road.

The carriage that I had ordered was already there with its driver sticking out his head looking over my direction seemingly worried.

“You’ll effectively be exiled if you stepped out of Night Howl territory, Elmyra!” Balthar shouted from afar. It seemed my departure was beyond Balthar’s comprehension. His sneer betrayed his disbelief.

“That’s great! I’ll make sure I’ll step out of this spiteful territory then!” I replied after I asked the driver to open the door to load my luggage first.

"Elmyra, you need to stop acting childish and causing troubles to our Alpha!” Nayra interjected.

I’d given her what she wanted, to live freely with Balthar, why she protested?

Ah, whatever.

I ignored her and closed the luggage trunk. Just before I was about to step into the passanger seat, Nayra shouted.

“If Balto were really dying, then why are you leaving then? Aren’t you deceiving the alpha this way?"

“Shut your mouth, Nayra! You’ve gotten what you wanted!” I glared at her, my hands gripping to the carriage door. “You have no right to speak of my son."

Nayra’s face fell, hurt masking her victorious eyes. "Alright, I won’t mention him again. Don’t be mad at me, Elmyra."

I rolled my eyes.

I could see Balthar’s irritation was palpable as he witnessed my hostility towards Nayra. Yet I continued to get into the carriage.

Then, in that moment, I could hear Balthar’s voice in my mind link. I hissed. Why didn’t he just exile me already?!

"You can leave, but Balto's custody must be mine!"

"Yuriel!" Balthar called out too his Beta, his voice commanding, "find out where my son is. Bring him to me."

I clicked my tongue. Yuriel were there the moment Balto died.

“Alpha Balthar…” through the telepathic link, Yuriel's voice was hesitant and cautious, "Sir Balto had passed away days ago. It happened during the night of you leaving for the the glowing apple festival in the Mapple Baum Pack.."

I finally found a good place to read novels!