Our Love No Longer Remains Original

Brad Watson gave up on me and my parents when we needed him most, and now he's on my doorstep begged for reconciliation.I smiled and said, "Never!"

Chapter 1 Let's Break Up

After days of relentless storms, a landslide swept through the mountains.

My parents were missing.

I asked Brad Watson to drive me home.

But halfway there, his lifesaver, Evelyn Smith, called him.

"Brad, the thunder's too loud. I'm so scared, where are you?"

Without a second thought, he kicked me out of the car.

In a blink, the storm soaked me to the bone.

Shivering, I clung to the car window. "Brad, please, just take me to see my parents first..."

Remote and blocked by the landslide, the roads were deserted.

It was deep into the night, and walking home would take until dawn.

But Brad, impatient, shrugged off my hand. "She has a heart condition. I owe her; I have to be there whenever she calls."

With those words, he drove away, leaving me alone, wanting only to find Evelyn.

Brad's car faded into the distance.

Standing in the pouring rain, I felt more disappointed than ever before.

Once Brad makes up his mind, nothing can change it.

He wouldn't come back.

There was no signal on the mountain roads, and my phone was useless.

Anxiety burned inside me like wildfire.

All I could do was run forward in the cold rain, hoping to speed up my journey.

The road was slippery, and in my haste, I'd only worn slippers.

After countless falls, I staggered home to find it buried in mud.

The rescue team had already retrieved my parents' bodies.

Even though I had braced for the worst, seeing it tore my heart.

Just the day before, they had asked me to bring Brad home for dinner.

Now, they were just two cold bodies.

I could barely manage my grief, only mustering the strength to support my weary body with the help of nearby residents to organize their funerals.

It wasn't until my parents' ashes were buried that Brad finally called me.

"Don't make a scene. Evelyn is in the hospital right now, and I can't leave. I'll come for you and your parents when I'm free."

Even through the screen, I could feel the cold indifference on his face as he spoke.

That night, as I kept vigil for my parents, I had intended to call him over.

Instead, I saw a post from Evelyn.

She stayed with Brad to watch a movie. He held Evelyn's hand, afraid that she would slip away at any second.

The caption read simply: [As long as you're here, I fear nothing.]

I glanced once, daring not to look any further.

It felt as though a sharp dagger had been thrust into me, instantly drenching me in blood, the pain unbearable.

I silently turned off my phone.

Then, in the makeshift shrine, I wept all night before the bodies of my parents.

At dawn, I sent a message to Brad.

[Brad, am I not as important to her?]

He didn't reply at the time.

Three days had passed since I sent that message.

It seemed he had only just remembered his fiancée, finally call me.

But it wasn't to check on me.

Instead, as usual, he spoke in an impatient, commanding tone, chastising me to stop making a scene.

Stopped make a scene.

Those words I'd heard for two whole years.

But now, I didn't want to hear them anymore.

I didn't want to know my worth in his heart anymore.

I said, "Brad, let's break up."

After that, I hung up the phone.

My exhausted body, compounded by profound sorrow, couldn't take it anymore, and I passed out.

When I awoke, I was in the hospital.

The doctor said it was fortunate someone had passed by and rushed me to the hospital in time.

I had hypoglycemia from not eating for a long time, and a wound on my leg had gone untreated and became infected.

I needed to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation.

However, when I returned from paying at the window, I encountered Brad and Evelyn in the hallway.

Evelyn, looking frail, cooed in his arms, "Brad, the medicine the doctor prescribed is so bitter, I don't want to take it."

Brad soothed her gently. "Sweetheart, there's a reward if you do."

With blushing ears, Evelyn asked, "What's the reward?"

Brad chuckled and tapped her nose. "Take it and you'll find out."

They flaunted their love as if no one else was around until they heard footsteps behind them.

The next second, they faced my expressionless gaze.

Chapter 2 You're Insane

Evelyn quickly pulled away from his embrace, looking at me in panic. "Ashley, what are you doing here?"

I scoffed, "Just checking if you're dead yet."

Tears welled up in Evelyn's eyes, spilling over as she spoke.

"Ashley, I know you're upset, but don't worry, I'll be discharged tomorrow, and I'll give Brad back to you.

"Don't be mad at him; it's my fault for being so weak."

Brad immediately stepped in front of her, his face darkening. "Ashley, it's only been a few days, Where have your manners gone?"

I spoke with a disappointed face, "Brad, do you even realize my parents are dead?

"And you? You abandoned me to be with her. For three whole days, you didn't even bother to call.

"Before you question my upbringing, ask yourself if you're even fit to be someone's fiancé!"

I used to be graceful and generous.

At least until Evelyn came along, I was not like now.

Seeing me sharp-tongued for the first time, Brad was stunned.

Evelyn's eyes widened in disbelief. "Ashley, that joke isn't funny at all. Who jokes about their own family dying?"

Brad's expression turned grave instantly. "Ashley, you're insane. Do you think lying like this is fun?"

Evelyn tugged at his sleeve. "Brad, don't be angry. It wasn't easy for Ashley to come all the way from afar."

Her words led Brad to believe that my jealous rage was why I'd traveled so far, hunting him down.

Brad's anger subsided a bit, yet he mocked me. "So, you stalk me and come up with such vile excuses? Ashley, I underestimated you."

He added, "Look at you now, what a sight, like a shrew throwing a tantrum in the street."

After so many years together, Brad knew precisely how to hurt me.

The most important thing was he didn't believe a word I said.

I couldn't be bothered to argue. "Fine, Brad, let's break up then. I'm sure you've heard enough over the phone."

Brad frowned. "Ashley, is this really necessary?"

"You know Evelyn saved my life. Can't you stop being so petty? Is it just because I didn't go home with you? I'll go with you next time."

His tone in the last sentence was as if he was doing me a favor.

My gaze was cold and still. "Brad, there won't be a next time."

I have no home left.

Evelyn stood there, nervously pulling at Brad's sleeve. "Brad, Ashley really seems angry. Maybe you should go and calm her down, and I can handle the discharge papers myself."

After speaking, she forced a smile, but the light in her eyes seemed about to shatter.

Brad ruffled her hair, his tone coaxing. "Come on, don't you know your own body? There's no way I'm leaving you here alone."

After saying that, he turned to look at me. His demeanor completely changed, his gaze icy. "Ashley, you know I hate threats the most. Go back first, and once Evelyn's condition stabilizes, I'll naturally come home to find you.

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

With that, he put his arm around Evelyn's shoulders and walked past me.

Out of his sight, Evelyn curled her lip at me.

I read her eyes in an instant. Her gaze said, "You think you can compete with me?"

Chapter 3 The One He Loved Most

It wasn't the first time she provoked me.

In the past, I might have lost my temper and angrily pointed at her in front of Brad, saying, "You see? She's doing this on purpose! She's trying to drive a wedge between us!"

But Brad turned a blind eye to me.

"Ashley, can't you let go of your hostility towards Evelyn?

"She's so timid. What if you scare her? Could you live with yourself then?"

Eventually, he got tired of it. No matter what I said, he had only one response. "If it weren't for saving me, would her heart condition have relapsed? Why do you have to nitpick everything with her?"

However, in this world, it was not always the case that the weak were right.

And so it was with love.

But clearly, Brad didn't see it that way.

To him, Evelyn had saved his life, and with her heart condition, her words were his law.

Time and again, Brad let her hurt me, provoke me.

Yet, I was supposedly the one he loved most.

It seemed Brad had forgotten that.

Of course, I knew Evelyn had saved him.

Two years ago, while Brad was on a business trip, a deranged man suddenly burst out, wildly swinging a knife.

Brad was caught off guard, holding a frightened child, and couldn't escape. Evelyn rushed forward and took a knife for him.

When I heard the news, I rushed over.

Evelyn had already been taken to the hospital, and out of guilt and gratitude, Brad took me to see her.

In the hospital, we found out that not only was Evelyn injured, but the shock had also triggered her heart disease to recur.

Brad felt even more guilty.

He compensated Evelyn generously and told her, "If you ever need anything, feel free to ask me."

Evelyn's eyes were nearly glued to him, and she asked, "Really? I can ask you for anything?"

I had a bad feeling about it.

Brad was safe, yet I felt far from happy.

My intuition as a woman told me she might have feelings for Brad.

What should I do?

Later, feeling down, I asked, "Brad, could you ever like her?"

Brad sighed helplessly, "Ashley, don't overthink it. She just happened to save me, that's all.

"Don't worry. "

Deep down, I breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, we had known each other for ten whole years since college.

I thought our relationship was strong enough that no one could just interfere.

But soon, I realized I had underestimated human nature.

Evelyn often used excuses like feeling unwell to have Brad come over and keep her company.

Even if her car broke down, the electricity went out, a pipe burst, she always called him for even the most minor things.

I finally confirmed that Evelyn had fallen for him.

She was openly pursuing him, using his guilt.

She was also flaunting it in my face.

One more time, when Brad picked up her call and was about to rush over, I lost it. "Brad, she keeps calling you over, can't you see that she likes you?"

Perhaps seeing me so distraught, Brad patiently tried to soothe me. "Ashley, I just feel guilty. A girl living alone, some things in life, men indeed handle better.

"Besides, she once saved my life. I just want to do more for her, to repay her. I don’t want to owe her anything, you understand?"

Chapter 4 You Really Disappoint Me

I held back the bitterness in my heart and asked softly, "Brad, have you fallen for Evelyn?"

He simply replied, "Hey, don't make a fuss."

That day, he still left me to see Evelyn.

I cried under the covers until dawn.

I began to realize that something between us had changed.

What completely tore Brad and me apart was seeing Evelyn holding Brad's hand, shopping for clothes on the street.

That day, he had promised to take me to a show.

But just as we were about to leave, he told me there was an emergency meeting at work, and he couldn't make it.

It turned out he had learned to lie to me.

My heart felt as cold as if it had sunk to the bottom of a lake.

I was a human, too, and I had my temper.

Evelyn kept interfering in our relationship, and my rationality had been completely burnt away.

In front of everyone on the street, II pointed at her and began to fight back.

This was the first time I threw aside all manners and was so rude.

And it was the first time Brad didn't stand by me but protected Evelyn, watching me rant and rave like a madwoman on the street.

Until Evelyn suddenly had a heart attack, and he rushed her to the hospital, carrying her in his arms.

Before leaving, he said, "Ashley Stone, you really disappoint me."

After that, he never called me just "Ally" again but used my full name.

Because of Evelyn, Brad and I fell into endless arguments.

Our decade of love also gradually vanished amidst those arguments.

I could never understand why we turned out this way.

It was only now that I realized.

Evelyn's relentless pursuit of Brad had long tipped the scales in her favor in his heart.

Thinking back on her expression just now, I let out a cold laugh.

I was not fit to compete with her.

How could Brad's current condition be worth all my hard work?

I got up and returned to the hospital room.

But as I passed by the room next door, I heard Evelyn's crying, accompanied by Brad's gentle voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think she would follow us here."

I frowned and looked over, shaking with anger.

I saw Brad pull out a diamond bracelet from his pocket and place it on Evelyn's wrist.

Her eyes sparkled as she gazed at the bracelet. "Is this the surprise you mentioned?"

"I love it. Brad, you're so good to me."

Brad's lips curved in a nearly invisible smile. "As long as you like it."

The bracelet was made of natural jewels, gleaming brightly.

It was my family heirloom.

How could she not like it?

We had a pair of these bracelets.

I had one, and Brad had the other.

After our engagement, my parents gave him his.

My father told him, "Ally is my only daughter. Once you're married, the bracelets are yours to pass down."

Our ancestors were jewelers.

This pair of bracelets represents the continuation of the Stone family's ancestral craftsmanship.

Passed down through generations, it had reached me, the two hundred and twelfth.

It was a priceless treasure of my family.

Brad knew how important these bracelets were to me.

How could he give it away so casually?

A surge of hatred darkened my face as I stormed in, yelling, "Brad, are you really willing to give away the last thing my parents left me?"

"Are you trying to kill me too?"

I finally found a good place to read novels!