Never Again- Breaking Free From Mafia Boss


"Is he going to propose to me today?"

Serena's heart pounded at the highest speed as her orbs were fixed on her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were sparkling with anticipation.

Today was her 22nd birthday, a day she had been looking forward to not just for the event but for the special plans her boyfriend, Dominic Russo, had hinted at.

"This dress is good!"

An smile adorned her red lips. She shook her head, thinking of Dominic.

A year ago, when she had started working as a secretary to Vincent, the CEO of the renowned financial firm, she met Dominic by chance, or so she believed.

Dominic Russo wasn't just any casual man. He was the heir to the most powerful mafia family on the East Coast.

Although they belonged to two different worlds, she was drawn to his world of mystery and danger, whereas he was captivated by her kindness, independence and the joy she brought to his life.

But tonight, something fell off. After every few minutes, her eyes themselves made their way towards the wall clock.

"He is late," she whispered under her breath.

It was the first time Dominic didn't keep his word. He had promised her to pick up at 7 p.m. sharp for a surprise, and now it was half past 8. Slowly, her excitement turned into a matter of concern.

Within seconds, a loud buzzing sound from her cell phone broke her trance. It was a message from Dominic.

Dominic: Stuck in an important meeting. I'll make it up to you later, I promise.

Serena kept staring at the screen, her heart sinking. Although Dominic was a man of his word, that wasn't the first time when his mysterious meeting interrupted their plans.

The next moment, she took a deep breath, trying to settle down the uneasiness rising within her mind.

From the beginning, Dominic had so many secrets. Despite so many uncertainties, she chose to trust him. She had to as she loved him.

Serena: Is everything fine?

After giving it a long thought, she chose to respond.

Dominic: Yes! Don't worry about me. Happy birthday, my love.

Serena sighed. She tossed the device on the couch, trying to shake off the feeling that something wasn't right.

Finally, she decided to not dwell on it, and with an unconscious mind, she switched on the television.

"This can't be true," she whispered, staring at the most familiar face on the screen.

Undoubtedly, she wasn't prepared for what she saw next.

The screen flashed with footage of a yacht anchored off the coast. Fireworks exploded in the sky, complementing the colors of the ocean.

Amidst the whole mesmerizing scene, there was Dominic. He was laughing, toasting champagne, wrapping his hands possessively around a woman with flowing blonde hair.

Serena found it difficult to breathe as the voice of the anchor echoed in the air.

"Tonight, the heir of Russo Incorporation, Dominic Russo is spotted celebrating with his ex-girlfriend Rosa Martinez, on his private yacht. If sources are to be believed, the couple rekindle their romance again. The whole celebration is in honor of their reunion."

That time, Serena felt like her whole world turned upside down. It couldn't happen. Dominic had lied to her.

At that moment, her cell phone buzzed again. It wasn't a message but a call from Dominic.

Serena hesitated. Tears poured at the edge of her eyes. Her hands trembled, reaching for the phone. Her heart ached.

But she answered the call, her voice unexpectedly calm.

"Dominic," she said, keeping her voice steady.

"Hey, babe," Dominic's smooth voice came from the other end of the line. "I'm sorry, I couldn't be there on your special day. I promise I'll make it up to you."

To Dominic's utter dismay, Serena stayed silent. Seeing that, he cleared his throat and added further, "How about dinner tomorrow night? Just the two of us?"

"How's the meeting?" She asked, her tone deceptively sweet.

"It's usual. So tiring. You already know how it works," he replied effortlessly. "I'm busy, still thinking of you!"

A wave of anger washed over Serena's mind. "Are you sure you're at work, Dominic?" She asked, her voice stern and commanding.

On the other end, there was a brief pause just long enough to hear Rosa's laughter in the background.

"Of course, I'm at work. Where else would I be?" Dominic's voice was calm but Serena could hear the tension beneath it.

"Interesting," she replied, her voice chilling. "You know I happened to see you on television minutes ago. You and Rosa, celebrating on a yacht. Setting off fireworks. Ring a bell?"

After a long pause, Dominic finally spoke. His voice was cold and calculating. "Serena, it's not what it looks like. Let me explain-"

"Explain what, Dominic?" Serena snapped. She was out of patience.

"That you've been lying to me this whole time? Are you still involved with Rosa? Or am I just a fool in your eyes?"

"Serena, listen to me–"

"No! I won't," she interrupted him, her voice dripping with rage. "You're a liar. And trust me, Dominic, I'm done with your lies, your secrets, and your games. Go back to Rosa, that's where you belong."

Without waiting for his reply, she ended the call. Her heart hurt, her eyes still fixed on the screen.

She wasn't able to comprehend what just happened. Dominic, the one whom she had given her heart, shattered it in the most unacceptable way possible.

But the night wasn't over yet.

One hour later, Serena moved swiftly across the room, packing her stuff. With every item she placed in the suitcase, her heart shattered.

"I have to leave. I can't see him bringing her to this room," she sobbed.

When she was done, she gave a last look around and placed a small piece of paper and wrote: Goodbye.


The loud sound of Serena's heel echoed as she made her way out of the office premises. Pictures of Dominic and Rosa were still lingering in the back of her mind. Still, she kept her head high and pace steady.

As she exited the building, the sight of a crowd moving back to their homes met her. Serena was deeply engrossed in her thoughts when she noticed the car parked across the street.

Those men were watching her every move. On Dominic's command, his men have been keeping a tab on her every move since the moment she walked out of his apartment.

It wasn't a lie if Dominic would say that he already knew that Serena was going to react that way.

Undoubtedly, she was too independent, too strong-willed to let that matter slide without a fight.

Although he hated the fact that she was angry with him, there were some other matters which demanded his attention.

As Serena crossed the street, her phone buzzed once again. She pulled it out, and her heart sank when she saw Dominic's name flashing on the screen.

For a moment, she wanted to forgive.

She knew that once she heard his voice, she would be swayed away. And at that moment, she didn't want to do that.

However, Dominic was relentless. The moment she took another step, her phone started ringing again.

Then it kept up the saga. Text messages, voicemails, and missed calls accompanied her way. She was aware that since last night Dominic was trying to explain things but she couldn't let that off.

She was done with his lies.

The moment she was about to reach the end of the street, a Mercedes Benz pulled up and blocked her way.

There he was, Dominic Russo.

"Serena, we need to talk," Dominic said, his voice calm and resonating but commanding.

"There's nothing to talk about now," Serena replied, turning in the other direction. She wasn't afraid of walking home in her heels. So, she wasn't going to sit down in his car.

Meanwhile, Dominic was equally determined. He moved out of the car, stepping in front of her and blocking her way.

"You know me well, Serena," he paused. "I'm not letting you go unless you hear me out."

"Are you threatening me?" Serena asked, knitting her eyebrows together.

Dominic's expression softened. He stepped back but didn't give her way to move away.

"Come with me to Monica's birthday tonight. We will talk there. It is a public place. No drama, no misunderstanding."

Serena's eyes narrowed. Monica's birthday?

Coincidentally, Monica was their common friend. It was her birthday celebration and she wasn't informed until now.

The fact that Rosa would also be there, Serena flinched.

"Why should I go there?" Serena asked, crossing her arms."So I will see you hovering over Rosa again?"

Dominic's jaw tightened. "It's not like that. I just want you to be there, Serena."

Serena hesitated. A part of her wanted to turn and never look back. But another part of hers, wanted to go there and face him and Rosa.

She wanted to tell them that they couldn't break her easily. And maybe, just maybe, then she would get her desired answers.

After a long thought, she cleared her throat and mumbled, "Fine! But don't expect anything from me other than that."

Dominic nodded, and a flicker of relief crossed his face. "I'll pick you up…"

Before he could complete Serena uttered, "No need. Send me the address, and I'll see you there!"

In The Restaurant.

Serena's heart accelerated with the highest speed. She arrived on time. She was both nervous and determined.

For that night, she had chosen a simple dress. The one that exuded class and confidence. She wasn't there to enjoy it.

As she entered, her eyes settled on Monica. She was surrounded by her friends, laughing and enjoying the evening.

Dominic was there too. He was sitting at the far end of the table. Of course, next to him was Rosa, looking as radiant as ever.

"Serena, that's your seat," Monica said, gesturing to a chair far away from Dominic.

Seeing that, she felt discomfort. It was a planned move to isolate her, to make her feel like an outsider. But she wasn't going to let them see how much it affected her.

"What are you thinking?" Monica paused."Sit down!"

Serena forced a smile and took her seat. She felt a gaze on her. It was Dominic. She refused to look in his direction.

Instead, she acted to focus on the menu, pretending to be engrossed in choosing dishes.

The evening moved on, and Serena found herself increasingly out of place. Everybody was busy with their conversations, but she felt like a spectator.

On the other hand, Dominic was attentive to Rosa, pouring her fruit juice, laughing at her jokes, and whispering in her ears.

The sight made it difficult for Serena to breathe, but she maintained her composure.

The moment dessert was being served, Rosa decided to make a move.

"So Serena," Rosa began, her tone dripping with fake sweetness. "Are you still upset about those fireworks the other night?"


The moment Rosa's words echoed in the air, Serena clenched her teeth.

She had anticipated a confrontation but wasn't prepared for the games which everyone, including Monica, was trying to play.

Moreover, Rosa was still wearing a mask of innocence which she had perfected over the years.

"So, Serena," Rosa started, "Don't be upset about the fireworks the other night? I thought they were just…magical."

Serena knitted her eyebrows together. Since her birthday night, she had spent countless times wondering why Dominic had suddenly changed after Rosa's return.

Now all of a sudden everything started making sense. The way Rosa positioned herself between Serena and Dominic, was professional precision.

"You knew exactly what you were doing, Rosa," Serena replied, her tone cold and distant. "I'm not going to play your games anymore."

Rosa feigned surprise. Seeing that, Serena's eyes were blazing with fire.

"Games? I don't know what you are talking about." She paused and turned to her right where Dominic was already looking at her. His expression was unreadable.

"Dominic, don't you think you should apologize to Serena? I'm sure she is still upset," Rosa said, shaking her head innocently.

Dominic shifted uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding Serena's gaze."I…I don't think so."

"Don't bother," Serena slammed, her voice as cold as ice. "I don't need apologies when they aren't sincere."

Her eyes were still fixed on the man who promised her that he would protect her from the world, yet he failed to give her and their relationship respect in front of everyone.

Rosa's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Oh, Serena, you're extremely dramatic. You can't even let go of little things. No wonder Dominic feels more lively with me."

She smiled, glancing at Dominic, who gave her a half-hearted smile.

The deep affection in Rosa's eyes didn't go unnoticed by Serena. It was more than a friendly admiration, and that realization sent chills down her spine.

Dominic and Rosa's shared smiles hit her like a physical blow. She had fought to protect their relationship from Rosa's constant conspiracies and Dominic's growing distance.

But now it was crystal clear. Rosa wasn't just a distraction but was a threat. Her motives were deeper than Serena's initial thoughts.

"Come on, Serena. It's my birthday." Monica said, sounding casually , but Serena interrupted her.

"I'm done with this," she said, standing abruptly.

"Both of you can have each other now." Her voice trembled, but still, she managed to hold back the tears which were threatening to spill over.

Dominic's eyes softened. The next moment he was about to reach out as if he wanted to stop her, but Rosa tactically placed her hand over his, her gaze near leaving Serena's.

"Don't go, Serena. We were just starting to have fun."

That was not going to be a simple game as Rosa was making her move, and Dominic was letting her.

Without another word, Serena walked out. She took a deep breath, and as she took each step, a deeper sadness settled within her.

The cold air brushed her skin as she hurriedly went away from the restaurant, away from them.

As the distance between them increased, the memories of their happy time flashed in her mind- Dominic's laughter, the way he used to look at her as if his life was dependent on her.

But those memories had lost their meaning. More precisely, they were poisoned by Rosa's presence.

The sight of the night of the fireworks was still fresh in her mind. She stood by herself while Dominic and Rosa were happy and smiling their hearts out.

The loneliness which she had felt that day was nothing compared to the cold that washed over her now.

By the time she reached her apartment, her phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Dominic.

Dominic: You really couldn't let it go, could you? Thanks for ruining the night.

Serene's eyes were fixed on the screen. Her heart broke all over again. It wouldn't be true.

It seemed like he was a completely different man. The Dominic she loved was gone.

Finally! She let out a bitter laugh, tears falling over her as she realized how naive she was to try to protect something which was never there from Dominic's side.

Instead of replying, Serena ignored that message. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much his words had hurt her.

But the moment when another notification popped up, she couldn't help but check it.

That time, it was a post from Rosa. It was her and Dominic's image, their heads close together, laughing with the caption: "Old friends make the best company."

Serena's vision blurred as her heart ached more. She kept staring at that picture. Rosa was doing what she was best at, making Serena sadness with her closeness with Dominic.

But what hurt Serena most was Dominic's smile. A smile which she hadn't seen for weeks.

A surge of anger washed over her mind, so she tapped on the comment section and typed: "What a perfect match."

As soon as that comment was posted, Serena felt a mix of satisfaction and regret. So she quickly blocked Rosa's account, severing the connection for good.

The night dragged on. Serena unable to sleep. Just then her phone buzzed again, breaking the silence.

She shook her head, thinking that it was Dominic again, but to her utter dismay it was an email.

Her breath caught as she saw the subject line: Anonymous Tip. she scared and curious.

The email began. Serena, You deserve to know the truth about Dominic and Rosa. They have been hiding something from you. Check the attached file.

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