Broken Trust, Renewed Love

On our anniversary, my alpha prince boyfriend, Cyrus, cancelled our dinner date for his youthful omega crush, Lilith.

I found out through a social media post from Lilith herself, deliberately posted to showcase their intimacy. It showed Cyrus rare genuine smile beside her at an pool villa gathering. Since they were both elites in the Braveclaws Pack, the post went viral, with comments begging Cyrus and Lilith to become a real couple and ditch an ordinary girlfriend like me.

[Thank you, Mr. Alpha Prince, for always making me your number one]

Their fans gushed over their chemistry. Even at work, I couldn’t escape the news about them. In the restroom, I overheard two colleagues gossiping:

"Did you see Lady Lilith's post yesterday?"

"Yes! Her posts are getting bolder every day! She was practically glued to Prince Cyrus! " one squealed.

"I know, right? They're SO cute together! I can’t believe they’re not official yet!"

The bitter taste of filled my mouth as I rushed out of the restroom, the echo of their laughter still ringing in my ears.

The memory of our missed anniversary dinner kept lingering in my mind, pulling me into a pit of sadness.

Chapter 1

Cyrus: [Rhea, something just came up. I’m going to be home late. No need to wait for me.]

I gripped my phone tighter at the news. The time display noted that Cyrus sent the message at [3:15 PM] earlier.

[Alright, safe trip.] I sent the reply, closed the phone and let out a long sigh.

Ah… I shouldn’t have given too much hope in Cyrus’ promise yesterday.

I was looking forward to tonight’s dinner. It was supposed to be our little anniversary celebration today, but I guess he forgot about it, again.

Cyrus was my boyfriend for five years. We started dating in the latter half of our second year at the senior academy, but we kept it a secret until after we graduated. When the news finally broke, it sent shockwaves throughout the entire academy… and even more so throughout the Braveclaws Pack.

Why is our relationship so much attention among the wolf pack?

Because Cyrus wasn’t just anyone—he was the sole heir of the Tangler Clan, the pack alpha’s bloodline.

Yes, Cyrus Tangler was Braveclaws’ alpha prince.

And who was his girlfriend at the time? Me, Andrea Clerkston, an ordinary omega from a typical white-collar family.

Before I started dating Cyrus publicly, I had never been part of the elite social circles, let alone the powerful and influential ones.

Cyrus had two people who were always by his side. One was Patrick, an alpha he’d known since childhood, hailing from the renowned Finiteson family, the most famous jewelry designers on the continent. The other was Lilith, an omega from the centuries-old Dicelore Clan, whose shipping empire was one of Braveclaws' main financial pillars.

Though Lilith met Patrick and Cyrus a bit later, the three of them had been close friends since elementary school.

Given their backgrounds, the general expectation among netizens was that if Cyrus ever dated someone, it would be Lilith. They were the ultimate power couple, shipped by fans and hyped by gossip media.

So when Cyrus announced he wasn’t dating Lilith but me instead, my DMs exploded. Some people just wanted to know more about me, but a lot of them sent threats.

Fortunately, Cyrus, Patrick and Lilith publicly showed their support for me at the time. Patrick and Lilith, in particular, frequently voiced their approval of my relationship with Cyrus. The four of us often met up, sharing pictures of our gatherings on social media to highlight our close bond.

But unfortunately, the negative comments didn’t vanish entirely...

Especially when Lilith posted a picture of her and Cyrus together without me in the frame.

Like her recent post just two minutes ago from her account, @Lilith_Dicelore:

[What a night! It was all so last minute, but we made it happen! Huge thanks to these wonderful people who came through for me—especially you, Cyrus @Cyrus_Tangler!

Beneath the text were pictures of a night sky, taken from a pool villa perched somewhere high on a hill. The remnants of a small barbecue buffet were visible in the background.

In the same thread, there was another post with a caption written in a foreign language I couldn’t fully understand. The only word that stood out to me resembled “business partnership.”

Underneath that caption was a video capturing the lively atmosphere of the gathering at the villa. In the clip, Cyrus was laughing beside Lilith as they conversed with what appeared to be foreigners.

I was stunned after watching the video.

I had never seen Cyrus laugh like that before. In fact, I never imagined he even could!

Cyrus had always come across as serious, with a charisma that drew people in. Even when he bantered with Patrick, the most expression he would show was a glare, a raised eyebrow and maybe an annoyed jab to Patrick’s shoulder with a faint smile on his lips.

But never a hearty laugh.

My eyes eventually drifted on the comment sections:


"Lilith and Cyrus look so good together! I swear they’re soulmates. Why aren’t they dating already?!"]


"Did anyone else notice how Cyrus laughs with Lilith? He never looks like that with Andrea… just saying."]


"I always thought it would be Lilith and Cyrus in the end… That laugh! He seems so happy with her. "]


"Andrea is so lucky that Lilith is so cool about this! But honestly, it’s hard not to ship."]

Tears stung my eyes.

Checking social media that day was a terrible mistake. My heart felt utterly shattered.

This wasn’t the first time Cyrus attended an event at Lilith’s request. I should’ve seen this coming and never allowed myself to fall for him in the first place.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself one last time.

Then, I picked up my phone and called Cyrus.

He answered after the first ring. “What is it, Rhea?” he asked in that cold,monotone voice.

In the background, I could clearly hear the sounds of lively chatter and fireworks.

“Where are you?” I asked, trying to keep myself calm.

“I’m at a business meeting. What’s the matter?” He seemed to have moved away from the noise, but another burst of fireworks echoed in the distance. “Rhea, are you crying?” Cyrus asked, his voice still calm.

The fact that he wasn’t even trying to lie, combined with his detached tone, made it even harder to understand what was going on in his mind.

I couldn’t help but start to believe what Patrick had warned me about. Was this really Cyrus’s way of playing with my feelings?

I couldn’t take it anymore...

I took another deep breath, steeling myself to say what had been lurking in the back of my mind for months. “Cyrus, let’s break up.”

Chapter 2

A sound of fireworks punctuated the silence on Cyrus's end, lasting for a few seconds before a long sigh followed.

"Andrea, not this again." His voice was laced with quiet exasperation.

What did he mean by ‘not this again’? He was the one who broke a promise and now I was wrong for feeling disappointed?

I felt a sting of indignation at his response and snapped, "I know exactly where you are and what you’re doing right now, Mr. Alpha Prince! Social media is a thing, you know! Maybe, tell Lilith not to share your pictures so casually if you don't want anybody to find out!"

With that, I ended the call and turn my phone on silent mode.

Standing up, I walked over to the closet where I had stashed my suitcase. As I opened the door, my gaze fell on the red gift bag tucked away in the corner, behind my suitcase. I had bought it last week—a deep navy-blue custom dive bag, the exact shade of the ocean at dawn, Cyrus’s favorite time to dive.

I ignored the gift bag in the corner and pulled out my suitcase, quickly packing my clothes and belongings. I was determined to leave this villa tonight. After all, it belonged to Cyrus and I would be the one who'd disappear from his life since I was the one who initiated the breakup.

It took me two hours to finish packing. I called a taxi, loaded my things and headed to a smaller, more affordable apartment in the suburbs where I used to live few years ago.

It had been two years since I last lived in this apartment. My parents had given it to me shortly after I landed a job as a writer at Dream Creatives. Initially, I had chosen to stay here to avoid burdening Cyrus with the responsibility of looking after my needs in the city.

To cut a long story short, Cyrus decided it would be easier for me to live with him. He had a chauffeur at his disposal that could take me anywhere, plus we could see each other more often if I lived with him.

Cyrus was insistent on this arrangement. Without a strong argument against it, I got along with his wishes and had been living with him ever since.

A small pang of regret pierced through me, a reminder of the distance that had crept into our lives.

It felt tragic since I finally noticed how frequently Cyrus was with Lilith only after I started living with him. It made me questioned: what was the point of us living together even?

As I stumbled into my apartment, With barely a thought, I left all my things at the living room. I head to my bed, pulled off the plastic cover from my bed, retrieved a clean sheet from the linen box in the closet and collapsed into sleep.

When the alarm jolted me awake the next morning, I reached for my phone out of habit.

Cyrus had left messages:

[Rhea, don’t be angry. I saw that and as Lily’s post shows, it was a last-minute business meeting. Lily asked for my help to secure a deal with an overseas company.]

[Stop being childish. We’re adults now. Come home when you’ve calmed down.]

So now I was childish?

Cyrus' message had successfully soured my mood—first thing in the morning!

I tossed my phone onto the bed and ignored it as I shuffled into the combined living room and kitchen. Grabbing a bottled drink I’d left out from yesterday, I tried to shake off the frustration that Cyrus’s words had stirred up.

The word "childish" kept echoing in my mind, igniting small bursts of anger from within me.

Was I really that childish?

I had lost count of the times Cyrus canceled our date plans, postponed some of his own company meetings, or postponed dinners with his family just because Lilith called him for her "rescue."

I could never forget that night Lilith demanded Cyrus accompany her to one of Dicelore’s private residences. My lupine hearing was sharp enough to pick up from the phone speaker as Lilith begged Cyrus to come because she was still terrified after watching a horror movie.


For the love of the Moon Goddess!

Who in their right mind watches something that scares them so badly? Besides, Lilith was never truly alone at the residence. Her maids and butlers were always there, around the clock, twenty-four per seven, ensuring her safety and comfort.

Nevertheless, Cyrus into his casual clothes. “Lily needs me,” he said, “so I have to go for a bit.”

I was appalled by his decision and tried to argue with him.

But he said, “There’s nothing between us, Andrea.” He let out a long sigh, deliberately avoiding my name, “Rhea,” and rubbed the joint of his frown on his temple—three telltale signs of his growing irritation. “I’ve told you this before.”

Then, Cyrus fixed his gaze directly on mine and added, “But if your mind is already made up, is there any point in my trying to convince you otherwise?”

With that, he walked out of the villa. Took his own car keys and drove to wherever Lilith was on his own dismissing his chauffeur's offer, every time.

The day after our arguments, Cyrus would always find a way to sweep me off my feet with a surprise romantic date. I could always see the effort he put into each 'makeup' date and, inevitably, I would always forgive him.

We'd reconcile, our relationship seemingly saved. Then the cycle would begin again, over and over. It got to the point where it was hard for me to remember our date without ‘Lilith’ being the trigger of it, especially after Cyrus and I went public.

Did he think I was too stupid to notice the same pattern?

Yes, I was easily forgive him—I admit that. But it was because I didn’t see the point in constantly arguing with someone I loved so deeply.

Not this time, though. I finally saw the reason why I needed to stop.

Cyrus had feelings for Lilith and it was time I accepted that.

That was why I had to stop falling for him—once and for all.

Chapter 3

The blend of cedarwood and the crisp sharpness of pine filled the air...

It was unmistakable and almost overwhelming. Cyrus was waiting for me in the lobby, his scent announcing his presence long before I saw him. It seemed he was here for another one of his 'makeup' dates.

I wrinkled my nose slightly. This alpha—did he not feel any embarrassment, flaunting his scent so boldly in such a public space?

I glanced around, surprised by the absence of Cyrus' usual entourage of swooning fanboys and fangirls. Instead, only a few of my colleagues were nervously peeking around corners, trying to hide their excitement.

I was slightly curious, I wonder if he had arranged for extra security to keep the usual crowd from entering my office's ground? The thought crossed my mind as I descended the few flights of stairs, my steps measured, until I stopped just short of him.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. “What are you here for?”

Cyrus frowned slightly, then walked over to the passenger side of his car, opening the door with the practiced ease of a chauffeur.

If it weren’t for his suit —a mark of the Tangler bloodline—he could easily be mistaken for one.

“Rick invited us to his dinner celebration tonight,” he began, his voice cool. “He’s celebrating a successful expedition about some harmless liquid silver—”

I cutting him off. “And?”

A deeper crease formed between his eyebrows. “You and I will go to this party together.”

I crossed my arms, not missing a beat. “I never said I wanted to go with you, did I?”

“Andrea…” His voice dropped, taking on a warning tone.

Yet, I didn't care. I turned on my heel and started walking toward my apartment, leaving him standing by the door.

There was a time when I would’ve rushed to him, told him to get back in the car, worried that his fanatics might catch sight of him. Cyrus was the epitome of the Braveclaws Pack’s ideal. Back then, I would’ve done anything to shield him from their eyes.

But now? Now, I no longer cared. Let the world have its fill of him. I wasn’t his girlfriend anymore and I had no obligation to protect what wasn’t mine.



I glanced over my shoulder to see Cyrus slowly following me in his car, keeping pace with my steps.

I turned my head back and kept walking, refusing to be swayed. “Stop following me, Cyrus. We’re done—”


“Cyrus!” I spun around, and my voice was filled with anger.

Just as I was about to snap at him, a voice rang out from the distance.

“Hey! Isn’t that Prince Cyrus’ car?!”

My heart plummeted at the realization. Oh no, I was SO not ready to face Cyrus’ fanatics right now!

“Drive!” I hurriedly jumped into the car, slamming the door shut and locking it. My eyes widened as I watched his fans swarm the car with alarming speed.

Where did they even come from?!

“You really want to go with me now?” Cyrus asked, amusement lacing his tone.

I ordered him again, “Just drive!”

Cyrus chuckled softly, shifting the car into gear. We edged out of the growing crowd, leaving his fans behind as we sped away.

It was then that a thick scent of vanilla hit me, almost cloying in its sweetness.

My eyes scanned the dashboard, searching for a perfume bottle or some kind of air freshener. But as I inhaled again, realization dawned on me—this wasn’t a manufactured scent. It was Lilith’s. Her presence lingered in the car, like an unwanted guest.

I couldn’t help but wonder what exactly she had done in here for her scent to be so strong, so pervasive.

Suppressing a scoff, I shot a sideways glare at Cyrus. “Well, well, I never knew you were so fond of vanilla.”

“Hm.” Cyrus gave a noncommittal grunt as he subtly adjusted the steering wheel.

What was that supposed to mean?

The unanswered question hanging in the air like Lilith’s lingering scent.

After that, silence settled between us. Cyrus took me first to his favorite tailor shop, where I changed into a navy-blue dress before we headed to Wok ‘n Roll Odyssey for Patrick’s private celebration.

We were led to a reserved VIP room on the second floor. As the staff opened the door, I noticed Patrick and Lilith already seated inside. Lilith’s expression flickered with surprise for the briefest moment when she saw me.

“Hey, you two!” Patrick beamed, waving enthusiastically from his seat.

Lilith pulled her hands off the table. “Hello Andrea, Cyrus. What took you so long? Traffic?”

I gave a simple shrug, offering her a polite smile before turning to Patrick.

“It was a last-minute invite, Rick. Sorry I didn’t bring a gift, but congratulations on your successful expedition!”

Patrick “Rick” Finiteson was an eccentric with vibrant personality. In the jewelry industry, he was often hailed as a young genius. Last year, he embarked on an unexpected expedition with a carefully selected team and humongous budget, leaving many puzzled by his abrupt decision.

However, Patrick was nothing if not determined. He simply ignored all media talk about his absurdity going too far and how the young genius might finally lost his title and become mad instead.

I had become acquainted with him through Cyrus, who often brought me along to his regular meetings with his closest circle—Patrick and Lilith. It was through these gatherings that I got to know Lilith as well.

"Don’t worry. Rick found a treasure worth millions—literally. He’s got more than enough gifts,” Cyrus quipped as he guided me to the table.

“Hey,” Patrick retorted, feigning annoyance. “I’d appreciate any gift from a good friend, especially a pretty lady like Rhea here. Unlike some picky alpha prince!”

Lies. My gaze snapped back to Patrick, narrowing slightly.

I had never seen him use or even acknowledge any of the gifts I’d given him. Not like that gold-framed pair of sunglasses from Lilith that he carried everywhere, even when he didn’t wear them. Or that ridiculous sunflower pin toy Cyrus had given him as a joke, which he often brought up for laughs.

It was only then that I fully grasped the truth—Lilith was the same. She and Patrick never really used my gifts, except for the occasional social media post.

A sinking realization settled in my gut. Maybe my suspicions weren’t so far-fetched after all. Perhaps they had never truly accepted me, merely tolerating my presence to save face for Cyrus.

They had never approved of our relationship and their coldness toward me was always just beneath the surface.

“I’m not picky!” Cyrus’s voice rose slightly in defense as he stopped. “I just don’t see the point in using certain things. That’s why—”

And there it was—the start of Cyrus and Patrick’s usual banter. Normally, I would have found their back-and-forth amusing, but tonight, I don't want to participate. My eyes scanned the room for a seat.

The remaining chairs were opposite one another, with Patrick on one side and Lilith on the other.

“Since we’re late, let’s not keep Rick and Lily waiting any longer,” I said, settling into my seat, eager to get this over with.

A heavy silence settled over the table. I didn’t bother to glance at Cyrus to see his reaction.

“Alrighty! Let’s eat!” Patrick’s exuberant voice cut through the quiet as he waved over the waiter.

Soon, the table was filled with a set of dishes and conversation started to flow. I made occasional comments but otherwise remained silent, content to sip my drink and savor the food.

As the evening progressed, I watched Cyrus peeling prawns with meticulous care, placing them on a plate beside Lilith. I couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly. Cyrus had always despised prawns, claiming that peeling them was too much hassle.

Yet here he was, serving them to Lilith without a word of complaint.

The sight made me frown. The effort he put into catering to her was starkly different from how he treated me. Cyrus just simply moved on an instinct when it came to Lilith.

It seemed I wasn’t the only one who noticed.

Patrick suddenly shot a sidelong glance at me before nudging Cyrus with a playful shove.

“Look at you, Mr. Alpha Prince! Don’t just pile all the prawns on Lilith’s plate. Can’t you see this plate over here needs some prawn love too?” He gestured with his thumb toward the empty plate beside me.

Cyrus blinked, momentarily dazed as if he had just realized his oversight.

He paused, looking down at the prawns in his hand with an unreadable expression, before he looked at me again.

Chapter 4

Cyrus blinked, his eyes lingering on me before shifting toward the VIP entrance. His expression was unreadable, but something in his gaze unsettled me.

“Another round of the tangy dragon prawns,” he ordered the waiter, wiping his hands with a napkin, his movements deliberate and controlled.

“There’s no need.” I raised a hand, stopping the waiter in his tracks as I reached for the glass of water beside me. The coolness of the glass steadied my nerves. “I’m not in the mood for prawns.”

Cyrus’s brows furrowed, a hint of frustration flickering in his eyes. “We can try something else. How about the fish?”

“No need,” I repeated.

His brows knitted together as he studied me. “What about beef then? It’s your favorite.”

“No,” I said, my voice firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

Cyrus froze for a moment, clearly taken aback by my tone. The tension between us thickened.

I broke eye contact, focusing on the napkin as I calmly wiped my mouth, forcing myself to remain composed.

I turned to Patrick, “Sorry, Patrick. I’ve got to hit the office early tomorrow to wrap up a project. My head editor would have my head if I showed up late.”

I rose from my seat, my steps unsteady but manageable. “I’ll be heading home now. Can’t afford to be behind schedule.”

Lilith’s voice, laced with concern, cut through the conversation. “Andrea, is this because of me? Are you upset?” Her eyes were downcast, the guilt evident. “You can have the prawns on my plate if you’d like. Cyrus was just trying to help me with them. Please, don’t be mad at him.”

Her tone made it seem like I was the villain in this scenario. I raised an eyebrow, incredulous.

“Me? Upset? No, no, no! It's not like that.” I waved her concern away with a dismissive gesture, trying to bite back sarcasm. I wasn’t angry—I was simply exhausted with all these. “I just really need to get some rest is all! I’ll be heading out now. Enjoy the rest of your meal.”

With a calm smile, I slid out of my chair and pushed it back under the desk.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my wrist!

I finally found a good place to read novels!