The End of Marriage Hides Hatred and Love

Chapter 1

Today,my daughter,Aurora Courtland,passed the civil service exam and it was my twentieth wedding anniversary.

I was eager to arrange a celebratory banquet,only to discover that Aurora had inexplicably passed away at my husband's hospital.

Because of this incident,My parents suffered a heart attack,and the only surgeon available was my husband,Hector Courtland.

I made numerous calls,but he never answered.

As I wept by the three urns of ashes,Hector finally called.

He was hosting a celebration party for his first love's son,and said nonchalantly,"Any doctor can do the surgery.Jenny still needs me to serve her."

His words,intertwined with the truth before me,haunted my mind.


Aurora's diary revealed everything.

It was Hector who coerced her to give up her spot for his first love's son and deceived her into donating bone marrow.

"My father threatened to divorce my mother if I didn't relinquish the spot.For the sake of our family,I had to sacrifice my future."

"I always believed he was the best doctor,teaching me to sacrifice for others.Instead of helping children in need,he used my bone marrow all on Jenny."

"This is the last time.He promised that once I donated my bone marrow,he will go home to spend the anniversary with Mom.Mom would be heartbroken if she didn't see him on their twentieth anniversary."

My hands trembled uncontrollably.

Hector had raised Aurora to donate bone marrow for societal good,all while treating her as a mere Life-saving bank for his first love!

They exploited Aurora for marrow and snatched away her opportunities.

I was so heartbroken that I couldn't breathe.The hospital said Aurora died from a bone marrow puncture error.By the time I arrived,she had already been cremated.

I wondered why she had been at the hospital.

Only then did I realize that it was Hector who had caused our daughter's demise!

Looking at the three urns in front of me,I couldn't help but cry out.

The successive blows left me in a daze,and I didn't even know how I walked out of the house.

It was not until the clerk asked about my relationship with Aurora that I snapped out of my daze.

I murmured,"Mother and daughter."

The same question was asked three times.

By the final query,the clerk regarded me with sympathy.

Within one day,my daughter and parents died one after another.

Who could endure such a tragedy?

After completing the account cancellation procedures,I was devastated and prepared to go home.

Passing by the restaurant,I saw a huge advertising board,"Congratulations to Hector and Jenny's son Wyatt for successfully entering the civil service!"

I stood there in a daze.

Hector had caused our daughter's demise and neglected my parents'surgery.

Instead,he booked the grandest local restaurant to celebrate Wyatt taking our daughter's place.

I was devastated,unable to breathe,standing immobile as Jenny,greeting guests,noticed me.

She said,"Mrs.Courtland,you came so late.Are you angry with me?"

Hector frowned,"Why are you here?I'm telling you,today is Wyatt's celebratory party,don't mess around."

Tears streamed down my face.

"Why did Wyatt take over Aurora's quota?Why did Aurora die in the hospital?Why didn't you answer my calls?"I asked harshly.

When I thought of this,my heart ached.

The food I prepared was still on the table,but the people who were going to eat there were gone.

The whole family yesterday turned into cold ashes.

My husband had now become the father of someone else's child.

Jenny hurriedly explained,"Aurora voluntarily gave up the quota.She is a girl and will find a good match in marriage later.But Wyatt is different.He is a boy."

I said,"Aurora is dead,and so are my parents.And you're in the mood for a celebration here."

The restaurant buzzed with guests and laughter.

I could only weep silently by the three urns at home.

"Jasmine,don't talk nonsense here.Bone marrow donation does not affect the body.Besides,Aurora's last bone marrow donation was three years ago.Stop fabricating stories about our daughter to manipulate me into returning home."Hector paused,"And your parents are in poor health and don't go out for a long time,so how could they have a car accident?You really lie without thinking."

Hector's gaze silenced me.

Aurora's inexplicable death led to the tragic loss of my parents.

But Hector thought I was jealous.

After twenty years of marriage,our feelings had long been worn out.

Our child was the only bond left.

Middle-aged couples could always make do with each other for the sake of the child.

But now,with our daughter and my parents gone,the last emotional tether between us had snapped.

I felt hopeless and didn't want to look at the person in front of me anymore.

I said,"Hector,let's get a divorce."

Chapter 2

Hector frowned and said nothing.

Jenny glanced at Hector,tears streaming down her face.

She said,"Mrs.Courtland,it's not your fault for not having a son.Wyatt is Hector's godson and will be filial to you in the future.Don't get angry and divorce Hector because of this."

A sharp pang shot through me.

Even though I had been taking care of Hector for twenty years.

Even if I persuaded my parents to help Hector become the youngest dean.

In order to win back his heart,I even risked being an elderly pregnant woman and gave birth to a child.

But now,everything I did was so ridiculous.

Hector didn't love me or the child I bore.

I recalled a moment from our past when he went to great lengths to bring me a tangerine after discovering my preference for its taste.

He gained the recognition of my parents through his unremitting efforts.

After marriage,he took great care of me and doted on our daughter.

From late-night feedings to diaper changes,he handled everything.

Each morning,I could get his lovingly prepared breakfast.

However,this happiness was shattered when my father retired.

He became a different person,busy with social events all day and not coming home all night.

Gradually,I realized he married me for my family's resources.

He maintained a relationship with his first love throughout our marriage.

Our family was secondary to Jenny and her son.

Now he could even destroy my family for Wyatt,who had no relationship with him.

Hector said impatiently,"Don't embarrass yourself here.Look at what you are like now.Go home right now."

I was in such a mess that I could not compare with the high-spirited Jenny.

Before I could speak,Jenny's illness suddenly attacked her and she fell to the ground!

Jenny said,"Hector,I feel unwell.It seems my condition has worsened."

Hector nervously hugged Jenny in his arms,saying,"Quickly call Aurora and ask her to come over for a bone marrow draw.Now is not the time for you two to get angry."

My daughter was gone!

She died in the hospital while donating bone marrow to Jenny on our 20th wedding anniversary.

I said,"Aurora is gone.Even if she were alive,continuous donations could be fatal.Don't you care about her life?"

Hector didn't even glance at me,and carried Jenny to rush to the hospital.

There was a look of nervousness in his eyes that I had never seen before.

Hector couldn't contact Aurora,so he returned home angrily and forced me to do a matching procedure.

"You must have instigated Aurora to hide.You're willing to risk an innocent life out of jealousy!"

I struggled hard,"Hector,have you seen the urn on the table?Aurora is dead.She died in your hospital to save your sweetheart.My parents were also shocked and died of a recurrence of heart disease.Do you still want to force me to death now?"

Hector's eyes swept across the urn and he sneered,"When did I ask Aurora to donate bone marrow?I told you that the last donation was three years ago.You're lying.If you can't save Jenny,you won't live."

Aurora's ashes were there,but Hector still didn't believe my words.

I struggled to break free and slapped Hector hard.

"Open your eyes and look carefully.Aurora is dead..."

I finally found a good place to read novels!